
Showing posts from September, 2011

Free Downloadable Quran Pak

.. Free Downloadable Quran Pak .. Please click the link below: .. Shared By: Syed Yawer Ali - Artistic Edge ..

Horrible Cats

.. Horrible Cats .. Hi, I am Sam ... .. Sometimes Cats are so horrible and the cats looks like a character of a horror movie, last days I went somewhere and I found there a Horrible Cat named by SAM. I just captured and designed SAM portrait photo. .. Image Captured & Designed By: Yaru Ali - Artistic Edge ..

Boats on Roads

.. Boats on Roads .. Karachi is a big city, no i think that Karachi is a huge city. On some locations Karachi's Ground Level is so down compare to other area or other surface. In the seasons of Rain and Moon Soon it will be very bad conditions in some areas of Karachi. People enjoy with lots of creativity and other stuff like Motorbiking, like Outdoor Games, but this Image show a venry beautiful and unique way for enjoyment. These people birng their Boat on Road and enjoy too much. Please have a look. .. Image Captured & Designed By: Yaru Ali - Artistic Edge ..

Yaru Ali

.. Yaru Ali .. Artist, Designer, Photographer, Painter, Poet, Writer .. Profile------ Name: Syed Yawer Ali - Nick is " Yaru Ali " Location: Karachi, Pakistan. .. Company Name: Artistic Edge .. Blog Address: Web Site: .. Kindly search me and my company on any search engine, like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. and also JOIN me on Facebook. .. Shared By: Yaru Ali - Artistic Edge ..

How Special You Are to Me

.. How Special You Are to Me .. If i could give you one thing in Life ... I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, Only then would you realize .. How Special You Are to Me .... ! .. Designed By: Yaru Ali - Artistic Edge ..