Age of Loneliness

Age of Loneliness
It is the evening of loneliness,
your name is dancing with the wind,
In this darkness
Every rose of my heart's garden
seem black,

A night without you,
almost killing me and my soul,

I have no feelings of happiness,
Every part of my body is shouting
that I am Alone .. I am Alone ..

A dim light in this darkness
smiling on me ..

and the Rose you gave me is dead
and my tears are part of this ocean of loneliness...


Forgive me for all wrongs I have done,
Love me for all the rights I have done,
I want to be your slave,
coz i am reached at age of Loneliness ... !
Poem By: Yaru Ali - Artistic Edge
Image Designed by: Yaru Ali - Artistic Edge


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