I am alone

I am alone
When I see Love, I think about You,
When I hear about Love, I think about You,
Every time ... Every time ...
I think about Love, I think about You,
Every word I read about Love, I think about You,
You are not just a person in my life,
You are the One I Love the most,
Please come back my love,
I need You in my Life ...

I know I am selfish, but I need You,
I know I am Bad, but I need You,
Dont Ask me ...
Ask to my God,
how much I need You,
how much I plead for You,
how much I cry to seek You,
Its very very hard for me to let you Go,
Even for my Love I can't let you Go,
I am bad, You say me the worst,

Love, I Love You so,
That I need only You,
Believe me My Love,
my Love is true,
And I just want it to be for Only You,
Life still goes on
without You,
But it has no meaning
Without You I just feel a dead soul,
Where are You My Love, Please come back my love,
I am alone, most alone without You..
Poetry & Designed By: Yaru Ali - Artistic Edge


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